Saturday, October 20, 2007

Roger Federer...Simply fantastic


I always admire him.
His simplicity, calmness, cool under pressure most important his ability to be invincible in his field.

To look at the way he plays is very simple, but the amount of fire power or the hard work or the inner desire to be unbeatable is burning like a sun. This is very inspiring for me.

Lessons to inculcate:
- Be simple in your outward actions but at the same time silently attractive.
- Do all the hard work, harder than anyone who wants to be the best, so that u can displace them in their position.
- Charity, extend your hand for those seek for; then GOD will definitely reward you with his hands.
- Focus: No matter, where you stand or at what has happened or how miserable your position was or how many sets you have lost, you always have the future in front of you to perfectly shape according to ur dreams.

Roger Federer...My favourite sportsman.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Roger's era is all set to face the Dusk ,trigerred by the fiery Spaniard...the name is Nadal..Rafale Nadal..